
Thursday 25 August 2016

Warrior's Visit

Today Alice from the DTR company has brought Ryan Hoffman, John Palavi, Georgia from the warriors team. They came and played some games and activities with us, First we played team Trivia I was in Ryan Hoffman's team. When Georgia asked us a question we had to say or chant, team Ryan chant was  Hoffy, while we were playing the students or kids that answered a question got spot prizes ( Warriors drink bottle, Warriors bag) but not everyone got it. They talked to us about their hydration, sleep, and their belongings. The warriors need to have water all the time like we have to, we also have to not be drinking fizzy because it doesn't keep us hydrated and healthy. Then they talked about belongings, we all belong to something, like me I belong to my family and you do to. After that  Sajiha and John thanked them for coming and thanked them for the lovely spot prizes. I would just like to say a huge big thank you to Alice for bringing in Ryan Hoffman, John Palavi, and Georgia. Thank you Warriors for the spot prizes.


Robyn Anderson said...

This assembly was a lot of fun and was a great way to get an important message across. Glad you enjoyed it :)

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