
Wednesday 6 July 2016

Get Wise ASB - Jessie

Yesterday  the year 8 went to Get Wise  with Jeremy  who works at ASB. Jeremy  came to our school to talk to us about  being wise about money, Jeremy told the year 8's some very important things like how we could get money by doing things at home, and how to save our money and  start a bank account from our age. After he told us the importance of money and how to save,  he showed us a chart that shows the different kind of ways we could get money and save up. The three ways we could save up and get money is by doing your chores at home, doing the next-door neighbours lawns or help them, and the last one is Sell and trade. Jeremy said "SSOY + SST" which means Spend Some On You and Save Some To and always be the best you can because people are watching you.  Also Jeremy said " Make a choice go the easy way or the hard way because if you choose the easy way you will fail and just live you life but if you got the hard way you are challenging yourself and you will achieve." 


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