
Wednesday 9 March 2016

How to do an Orientation

This is my partner and I's DLO on how to use Dialogue,Action,Sound,and Setting in our writing and in a orientation.

(action, dialogue, setting or sound)
“Arhhh!” the men screamed as they were approaching the bear.
Jeff,Mark,Blake, William
In the Jungle
The bear is chasing them.

Begin your Orientation:

“Arhhh!” the men screamed while  they were approaching the bear.  When they were filming they men  realized they were prey. When they were sprinting they realized that they didn’t get enough filming of Fonzie the bear. “Oh no what do we do now our boss is going to be angry at us.”


Chelsea Donaldson said...

Well done Jessie. Your orientation explains the setting, characters and problem. I like how you have ended your orientation. If it were in a narrative I would want to keep reading to find out what they decide to do. Will they escape from the bear or find a way to get more filming done? Well done.

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