
Friday, 16 December 2016

Year 8 Graduation

On Wednesday night we had graduation, which took place at the Pakuranga  Sailing Club. Everyone  turned up at the right time and all looked pretty and handsome. We first started of by eating dinner in the dinning room.  For dinner we had a choice of choosing lasagna and salad  . Then we had desert. We had a choice of choosing pavlova and ice cream. The food was delicious. After eating everyone was handed a graduation certificate and took a photo. We ended the night of by  dancing. We first did the cha cha then rock and roll, the year 8's  all enjoyed them self.

Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Labyrinth DLO

So yesterday and today we have been learning about the movie called "Labyrinth" it was fun to learn about the shot types also what there part/role is in the movie and what. Today we got to finish watching the ending and to rewind and watch some of the scenes to help us fill out our form. My best part of the movie was when the My favorite part was when the goblins were saying shut up to each other because they were wait for Sarah to say “I wish the Goblins can take you right about now."

Thursday, 8 December 2016

Rockets at Tamaki College

 On Friday after technology LS2 had to stay because we were excited to create fun rockets with Mr Dunn. This term we got to make rockets at Tamaki College. When we went into the classroom everyone quickly went into groups before we started anything, Mr Dunn presented a D.L.O on rockets. Now this D.L.O, our group had to come up with a prediction. At the end we had to find out if it supported our prediction in the beginning. It was very fun making our Straw Rocket so when we are learning rockets we know what to do with the learning of Mr Dunn's. 

Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Tahuna Torea Visit By Cecillia, June and Jessie

Yesterday at lunchtime we went to have lunch at Tahuna Torea. Once we got there we had lunch, everyone was having fun. Why we went to Tahuna Torea? because its linked to our topic for reading we are learning about Godwits. First we explored was the beach where the Godwits come after that we waited until it was our turned to explored the wet lands where the Godwits find there food. LS2 learnt a lot and where Godwit's migrate. Godwits migrate from New Zealand to Alaska that would take them 8 days to get there but they would need to go to Australia than Japan then Alaska. So they are really fast to fly to Alaska. It was really interesting learning about the Godwit and where they Migrate.

Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Kuaka Activity

For the past few weeks LS2 have been learning about Godwits/Kuaka Birds.Also we have been focusing on Kuaka Migration. We have been working collaboratively so that we can all talk about what we have learning about. We have been using the mutilmortal site  to use in our learning. We use that site for an easier experience. 

Rocket Making Collage

On Friday the 2nd of December the year 7 and 8's went to Tamaki College for tech  and Rocket Making with Mr Dunn.We all participated in creating the rockets and everyone did enjoy themselves which is a great thing. Everyone showed positive attitude we learnt some great things about rockets  like adjusting the fins and how many fins you would like to put on them.Also we would like to give a big Thank You to Mr Dunn for having us at Tamaki College.

Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Career DLO

Today my partner (Mahdia) and I went to go find Ms Latoya.As we found her, Mahdia and I both interviewed the beautiful lady Ms Latoya.The questions we asked were ( What inspired you to become a KiwCan teacher? What is your favorite part of your job? and What are some tips you might give someone who wants to have the same job as you.?) As we interviewed the best KiwiCan teacher ever she gave us good tips to be a KiwiCan teacher.


Today i have been learning about SWIS- Social Workers In Schools and what they do in schools.This is my DLO about SWIS - Social Workers In Schools and how they can help other people.

How to show a positive attitude

This is my video about how to have a Positive Attitude. It is all about why having a positive attitude is so good to people.Also I think having a Positive Attitude is good for people because they should and  so they could show respect to other people.

Tuesday, 29 November 2016

My Term 1 and 4 Letters

Dear term Four Jessie,
When you read this you will be at the end of your year eight journey. You will be enrolled into college.But this year I really want to achieve my goals for term 1 to term 4, the first thing I want to achieve is how to be a confident speaker  so I can talk in front of the class and share great ideas to other people like Mr Johnston, Mrs Kirkpatrick,Miss Donaldson and even Mrs Anderson, the one question I always ask myself is have I  presented in a assembly this year.But all the things I need to do to achieve my goal is to join in most of our school activities. You always have to practice a lot and always have top focus and contribute, but the more I speak to teachers and other people the more you will be confident.
From Jessie

Dear Term 1 Jessie,

Wow it’s been along time Jessie,it felt that I haven’t seen you in ages.I can’t believe it,it’s nearly at the end of the year wow. Can you believe it you made though the year 3 more weeks to go you can do it.I’m not really excited  about next year, to be honest aye. To be honest do you want to leave this school? If you leave this school you going to miss your friends and teachers. I know you have some ups and downs at this school but you always don’t care and make yourself happy. By 2k16 here I come 2k17. By Panmure Bridge School.
From Jessie

This is my two letters I did the first one was my letter to Term 4. And the bottom one is my to my term 1 journey and what I've achieved throughout the whole year.Even though it's my last year at Panmure Bridge I have enjoyed myself even when I first started this school. I was a shy little girl but know when I got used to this school I am a confident student at Panmure Bridge School.

Hundertwasser Art-Jessie

The past few weeks LS2 has been learning about this artist named  Hundertwasser. We have learnt that he doesn't like straight lines.This my DLO about Hundertwasser and what he did in his life. We were learning to find information about his past life and how he was connected to New Zealand.At the bottom is my artwork I did, I really like how i put in bright colours and blended in my colours.

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Reading Follow Up - Group D

For the past few weeks we have been learning about Pigeons. In our reading we have been spilt up to 4 groups (R group,E group,A group and D group.) In our group we have been working collaboratively and getting on task.In Group D was Cecillia,Jane,Juanita,Ma'ata,Latham,Harlem,Lyndon and I.Basically we were deciding if Pigeons are Pests or are they special.Our whole group thinks that pigeons are special and pests at the same time.Also we were learning to develop the comprehension  strategies of making connections,identifying the authors purpose and point of view,identifying main ideas,or evaluating.   

Thursday, 17 November 2016

Hockey Kiwi sport

Today, afternoon we had hockey for sports. What we learned is how to hold the hockey stick probably. We played a game that includes the traffic colours and other colours Green - is to dribble, Orange to stand there and go right to left, Red - Is to STOP!!!, Purple - is to reverse right to left and go backwards, Blue - Drippling around with the ball, Silver - Is to go fast. Always remember to look at where your going. Thank you for our coaches for teaching us some new skills. 

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Infographic- How do Birds Fly?

This term our new topic is about Godwits. This is my DLO about How Do Birds Fly. Also it is about how the birds wings work.We were learning to create an Inforgraphic that shows how birds fly also to retell visually in our own words.For our topic pretty much it it all about Flight and Birds. This is my Inforgraphic about birds and how they fly and use their wings.

Thursday, 10 November 2016

Godwit/Kuaka Facts

 Today for in Inquiry we have changed to our new topic for this term. Our new topic for this term is all about Godwits/Kuaka Birds. We are learning to  use smart searching skills to find information and it record it in our words also to identify Godwit/Kuaka. This is my DLO about Godwits and what they do.For this topic we were learning to find what Diet,Habitat,Appearance and what predators they have.

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Film Festival Post

Today Panmure Bridge School went to Sylvia Park for the Film Festival. Panmure Bridge really likes all the schools movies, but specially Tamaki Primary and Glen Brae's Film Festival movies. But my favourite movie at the film festival was Making  Choices from Tamaki Primary, I really liked that movie because it   tells you to make good choices and do the right thing. From our school Panmure Bridge my favorite movie was Kiwi Can from Room 5, I liked that movie because it tell us what  Kiwi can is really about. Every single year all schools in the Manaiakalani Cluster goes to Sylvia Park to watch other school movies that they made. Here is a Link to the Manaiakalani Film Festival Movies.Link

Hyperbole DLO

This week LS2 have been learning about Hyperbole,Hyperbole is a deliberately used exaggeration that is not meant to be taken seriously. Also Hyperbole's are used in speaking and writing for effect or to make a boring story more interesting. LS2 has been working on sentences that have hyperbole's and Similes. This is my DLO on hyperbole's and it says what they are.

Monday, 7 November 2016

Silent Maths Challenge

Today for Maths LS2  had a Silent Maths Challenge to complete.This challenge was about flight  testing and graphing. The reason why we had a Flight challenge was because our topic for this term  2016 is all about (Flight.) Each group took time to fly there final paper plan.Slowly by slowly each group had to record  there measurements within how far there paper plane goes. My group was the 4th group to fly our plane. For the 1st throw we did was 5.80m that's how far our first one went.For our 2nd throw was 6.20m then went onto our 3rd and last round it was 6.96m. When all of the groups were finished our teacher Mrs Anderson told us to do one more round so we did. For our final and last round we did was 7.57m. Congratulations to Thomas's group who won, against all the groups and who went the furthest at 14.1m.

Friday, 4 November 2016

Neil Armstrong Timeline - Jessie

This Term we are learning about Flight, LS2 year 8's are learning everything about Flight and the year 7's are learning about Godwit's and other kind of birds.This is my other timeline about Neil Armstrong, our learning that we were doing was to find information about Jean Batten and compare her with another aviator.

Jean Batten DLO

This is my DLO bout Jean Batten,it is all about her life and how she wanted to become a Pilot. LS2 year 8's are learning everything about Flight and how it works and what it does, also this DLO tells why she is famous and how she changed the world.We were learning to to explain why she is famous.

Smart Searching Challenge

This is my presentation that I did with my partner Jessie. We have made a DLO based on Basketball in the Golden State. My partner and I have been working collaboratively on this DLO to get it completed. Our task was to ask ourselves questions then answer them. We have found out that the best top Basketball player in the Golden State is Stephen Curry.

Paper Planes Experiment Maths

Yesterday, LS2 worked  collaboratively  as a group on a maths  challenge. For  this  task the teacher didn't  talk too us because it was all  about following instructions.  We  had to read the instructions  of the  presentation.  I  really enjoyed doing this task because  we had to  create a  paper   plane that flies the furthest. In our group was Ceceillia,Jane,Latham,Lyndon and I. Our topic was all about Flights, our task was to make a Paper Plane that flew it's distance.We were using our smart searching skills to find sites about how to make paper planes.It was a really fun math challenge activity thing that my group and I really enjoyed it.

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

My Timeline about Jean Batten

This is my timeline about Jean Batten it is all about her life and how you completed her goals and pretty much everything about her life. We were learning to use a creation tool,Lucid Chart,Poplet,Paplet or create your own timeline to show  the main events in the life of Jean Batten.

The Shake Out

The Shake Out from The Outlook for Someday on Vimeo.

LS2 would like to congratulate Latham,Sylis,Reon,Daniel and Jasmine for making a movie about "The Shake Out" also thanking  LS2  participating and helping out Latham to complete in the Someday Challenge. It's really a great movie and I know you would love it as well. 

Friday, 28 October 2016

Hydrartion and Dehydration

This term Panmure Bridge School has been a water only school (we can only have water at school).  LS2 were given a task to create a DLO about what hydration and dehydration is. In this DLO I worked with Charlize, Jessie and Afu.  We have explained what hydration, dehydration is.

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Rhythm Interactive

Today we got to do Rhythm Interactive they are a group that tour around New Zealand and other countries. They basically teach us African Drumming. It was really fun because we got to match the beat and sing as well. We also learnt different techniques to drumming. They didn't really speak because they were trying to prove a point, they were trying to prove that actions that are louder than words. I totally agree with this because I also think this as well. I learnt that we can connect beats so it can sound longer.  I would like to say a BIG Thank You to Lucy and Johnny for coming to our school to teach us new techniques about drumming and a HUGE Thank You to Mrs Eeles for asking Rhythm Interactive  to come to our school Thank You so Much for coming.I realy enjoyed myself Thank You.

Reading Challenge

For the past few days for reading we had to work collaboratively as a group to complete the task. First, our teacher told us nothing, instead of saying anything she wrote what she needed to say on her laptop, from there we worked as a group to figure out what to do. We first had to read a big book as a group and write what happened in the story in exact 25 words. Our next task was to fill in the blanks for these 2 other stories, the first one we got was slightly easy but the second one was slightly harder because it used harder words and it had an longer story. As we worked as a group we got the task finished and filled in all the gaps by trying it. We had to follow the instructions and understand the meaning of the story. We were learning to skim and scan so we could find the word that best fitted in the gap. I really enjoyed this task as we had to follow the instruction because it was an different way of doing the activity. Our learning intention was to follow instruction's and making sure we had to read for meaning and understanding. 

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Quizizz Maths

We played a game called quizziz. We played against each other including the teacher's. It was really interesting because we were practising our basic facts and our time's tables and our subtraction. It was really funny because both of our teachers were playing against us.And 
If you would like to play this game you have to make your own and then play against other's. Link 

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Read Theory Results

Today for reading we started off with doing Read Theory for 20 minutes. While doing this, I learnt to understand the text and to think about what the question is asking me to. This site will help you with your reading. When I want to answer a question I would always look back at the text to make sure I get my answer correct.


Today for maths we were learning how to recognize decimals and how to order decimals. We were recognizing decimals by using fractions to help us. ( e.g : 0.5 would be 5/10 in a fraction ) We practiced ordering decimals on a online worksheet which we had to read the question and solve it out in our maths book. I was also learning the places for the decimals. I really liked learning about decimals because I was learning something new and it links to fractions which could also help me with fractions.   

Friday, 2 September 2016

My Platform Game

Today for Digital Tech we made a game using scratch. We learnt a lot about the design and the controls. My game includes 5 levels, it starts easy then hard. I made this game by myself even the sprites. This was a hard task to do but I got to the end. It was pretty difficult to understand the scripts but I can understand it now. The controls to play the game is the right key and the spacebar. Remember don't touch the blue blocks or you would DIE!

Thursday, 1 September 2016

Ripper Rugby and Rugby Tournament- Jessie

On Wednesday the  31st on August we went over the road to play against other schools  in the Manaiakalani Cluster. Our students had so much fun that we really didn't care how much we lost and how much we won all we matter  about was how much  team sprit we had.  Our first game  was against Barley Road School 3-3 when we were versing them they were pretty easy to bet. After   our game finished   we had a 5 min break then we went to go and verse Point England we knew that they were gonna be hard to play against but we never gave up so we kept on trying.Our score against them was 2-7.After we played them we went to go play Glen Brae they were pretty easy to bet and hard but unfortunately we lost,but we so bummed  that we congratulated the school we versed.After we had our 5 min break went to our field to go and verse Tamaki Primary, the score against them was 2-3 but unfortunately for the other school they lost, when we were versing them we had lots of fun and the year 5 and 6's were cheering us on.  After we played against them  our team had a little play then we went to go to the field again to verse Sylvia Park, unfortunately we lost against Sylvia Park the score was 5-3. When we were waiting for the results, we were so excited that we thought that was the last game. When our teacher Mr Ogilvie asked us if we wanted to play our last game we were so excited that we wanted to play again. But when we were going to the field we didn't realize that we were going to verse Sylvia Park, when we were versing them we knew that we were going to lose but we gave the sprit and never gave up. So the score was 5-3 and we won against them.
I want to Congratulate Mr Ogilvie and the Otahuhu College people (Manu,Rolon,Lesly and Biya) that came to support us and help us with our games. Thank you very much for coming.

Glen Brae v Panmure Bridge ( 3-1)
Bailey Road School v Panmure Bridge ( 3-3 )
Point England v Panmure Bridge  ( 7 - 3 )
Tamaki Primary v Panmure Bridge  ( 2 -  3 )
Sylvia Park First Game v Panmure Bridge  (  5 - 3 )
Sylvia Park last game  v Panmure Bridge ( 3 - 5  )

Tuesday, 30 August 2016


This week for Inquiry we had a new rotation, group three went down stairs to Mr Wong for the Olympics and us Diet. We were learning about the athletes diets, we had to do some challenges. They were Nutrients, Ancient Olympic Athletes diet, Modern 
Olympic Athletes diet, and our diets. My favourite challenge was the nutrients challenge because it was challenging and we had trouble attributing images. 

Thursday, 25 August 2016

Warrior's Visit

Today Alice from the DTR company has brought Ryan Hoffman, John Palavi, Georgia from the warriors team. They came and played some games and activities with us, First we played team Trivia I was in Ryan Hoffman's team. When Georgia asked us a question we had to say or chant, team Ryan chant was  Hoffy, while we were playing the students or kids that answered a question got spot prizes ( Warriors drink bottle, Warriors bag) but not everyone got it. They talked to us about their hydration, sleep, and their belongings. The warriors need to have water all the time like we have to, we also have to not be drinking fizzy because it doesn't keep us hydrated and healthy. Then they talked about belongings, we all belong to something, like me I belong to my family and you do to. After that  Sajiha and John thanked them for coming and thanked them for the lovely spot prizes. I would just like to say a huge big thank you to Alice for bringing in Ryan Hoffman, John Palavi, and Georgia. Thank you Warriors for the spot prizes.

Thursday, 18 August 2016

Netball Inter-School - Jessie

On Wednesday the 17th of August the years 5,6,7 and 8 teams went to the inter-school netball competition. It was a really nice day for us to compete. All teams tried their best to win and some of us did. Our first game was against Ruapotaka we tried our best but at the end of the day we lost.Our second game was against Tamaki Primary. It was a really hard game and at the end of the day but we won  6-3 .Our third game was against Glen Innes primary school it was a hard game and we won 6-4.Our fourth game was against Stonefeilds and we won 8-3.Our fifth game was against point England and we won 6-5 our last game was against Panmure Bridge 1 it was a funny and hard game but at the end of the day we lost 2-5. Thanks to Mr O and Ms Niacker for supervising us there and a big thanks to the   Otahuhu college girls for coaching us.Thank you Gina and Neti from Otahuhu College.

Friday, 12 August 2016

Rio/Provacation - Jessie and Mere

Here is my DLO based on "Should host countries have to spend so much money on building Olympic venues". We have been learning to consider both sides of a provocation so that we can make an informed opinion. My opinion is no because it is a waste of time and money and once they build it they only use it for a short amount of time. Why build something your only going to use for a short period of time. Why spend so much money on the stadium when you have more important things to look after such as, Schools, jobs or even company's. People should think about what they are going to do with there money so that it could be used wisely. 

Thursday, 11 August 2016


Today LS2 had a session with Andy all together. First we were talking about the skills we did last week which were look ahead, light feet, stand straight, bent arms and cheek to cheek. Today we talked about distance run and the normal sprinting. First we play a warmup game called octopus. The aim of this game was there were 4 taggers and everybody has to run to the other side without getting touched. This game was a bit hard because there were lots of people playing and there were 4 taggers which made it easier for them. Andy also told us that when athletes run in the beginning they use high knees. Today Andy taught us how to do the stance which was take a step back  left foot up to the line right hand to your check and left arm to the left  bum check.Then After she yelled Get Set Go we all ran  of.

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Language Features Writing - By Jessie and Mere

Today we were learning to find the language features using the article.We had to highlight words/sentences based on weather it was a Verb,Adverb,Noun,Adjective or a Simile.For our task we had to do was to find all of the Language Features  but when we were finished we had to make a DLO about what we did today.

Language Features - Writing

This week our writing group is learning to Identify the Language Features and the job it does with a sentence. In this DLO I have explained what a a Noun,Verb,Adverb,Adjective,Similes, and Metaphors are. We had to make a DLO  on  Language Features and how to use them in a sentence and in our writing.

Monday, 8 August 2016

Physical Activity

This term  we are doing a new rotation  but this term it is all about a Olympics and what they do. For our Inquiry we are doing Physical Activity  with Mr Ogilvile. We were learning about Physicle Activity  and what they do and how our muscles work.

The Big SleepOut - Jessie

We have been doing current events we realized  that we need to know what current events are because it is happening in our own backyard. I learnt today that not all people have what I have, and everyone needs to stop  teasing homeless people, not like there choosing to be homeless. 

Thursday, 4 August 2016

Run, Jump ,Throw

On Thursday, we had Run!Jump,Throw with our cool coach Andy. She came to our school to teach us about Run Jump Throw. When she was teaching s how to do we were listening and copying what's he told us to do. She told us that there were 5 basic things to do when you do running. They were Run Straight, Look Ahead,Light Feet, Stand Tall and Check to Check.

Tuesday, 2 August 2016

Our Results On Quizizz

Today for the first block of school we did maths, for our maths activity we did a quiz on quizizz. We were learning to  be quicker at our factions and at our  multiplication, The  pictures show what Rank I'm at and what Accuracy. On both of the pictures  my ranks are 16 and 7 and for my Accuracy it is 90 and 100%.On the first picture I got 9120 points and on the second picture i got 10080 points I say that I'm approving my maths.

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Advertising - jane, Jessie,Pote and Eric

Today, we have created a DLO on Advertising, this was created as we discovered the purpose/reason behind advertisements.For this activity we had to make a  25 worded paragraph about what advertising is and how they influence you to buy. 

Monday, 25 July 2016

Attributes and Images - Jessie and Charlize

Today we were learning how and why we attribute our photos. We attribute our photos to show thanks to the person who took the photo. Attributing photos is also quite easy to do, except when you have to get the authors name, license, and website. First we  clicked on search tools then went to Usage Rights then we clicked on labeled  for use. After did that we went to go and visit the site. When we finished on the site we had to find the person who put it up on images and  the license.

Thursday, 7 July 2016

Orienteering - Yr 8 and 7

Today we played another game of Orienteering. My partner ( Juanita ) and I worked together as a team, I thought playing Orienteering  was a good sport because it makes us do exercise  and it shows us how to read a map. My partner and I were timed and our time that we started was 2.40 mins  as we were competing other team mates we both realised that some other team mates were doing the same curse as us and some weren't. When my partner finished the 1st course we moved on to the 2nd course, as we were finishing my partner Juanita was having a race between this other girl Charlize, but bad luck my partner Juanita bate Charlize just by a few seconds. Finally our time was 25.10 mins.

Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Get Wise ASB - Jessie

Yesterday  the year 8 went to Get Wise  with Jeremy  who works at ASB. Jeremy  came to our school to talk to us about  being wise about money, Jeremy told the year 8's some very important things like how we could get money by doing things at home, and how to save our money and  start a bank account from our age. After he told us the importance of money and how to save,  he showed us a chart that shows the different kind of ways we could get money and save up. The three ways we could save up and get money is by doing your chores at home, doing the next-door neighbours lawns or help them, and the last one is Sell and trade. Jeremy said "SSOY + SST" which means Spend Some On You and Save Some To and always be the best you can because people are watching you.  Also Jeremy said " Make a choice go the easy way or the hard way because if you choose the easy way you will fail and just live you life but if you got the hard way you are challenging yourself and you will achieve." 

Monday, 4 July 2016

Life Education - Jessie


Today we had Life Education with Nicole. We were learning about our body system and how it works.  First we were learning about how the heart works and how it works and how it got the name Heart and how it is compared with the Love Heart. We learnt that the heart is the size of your fist  and it actually looks like your fist.  

After we finished learning about how our heart works we moved on our Nervous,Muscular, and the Circular System. As Nicole was telling how our system works. After that  we played  a game named Clap on Time it is all about when you clap on time to the rhythm if you don't you have to sit down.   

Persuade,Inform,Entertain - Reading

Today for reading we are learning how to use PIE in our reading and using games and activity's. PIE P is for Persuade  I is for Inform and E is Entertain. In  the last Picture it tells  how much I got right and wrong and in the 2 3 4 pictures it shows what I got wrong and right just by using PIE.